Paediatric Osteopathy

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Is Osteopathy Suitable for my Child?

Osteopathic Techniques are suitable for children at all stages of development. We will assess your child to see what might help. Claire Piper has over 30 years experience of working with children and is also a qualified Infant Feeding Coach and Tongue Tie Assessor registered with FEDANT, meaning she can discuss breast and bottle feeding issues and give advice alongside osteopathic treatment.

FEDANT National Registration Number: 13453 

Paediatric Osteopathy at In Touch with Health Osteopaths

Understanding Paediatric Symptoms

Osteopaths work under the principle that there may be a number of contributing factors to a child’s symptoms and will therefore evaluate not only the area which is producing symptoms, but also associated areas that may be contributing to the issue including past trauma, environmental factors and the family’s health history. 
Paediatric Osteopathy at In Touch with Health Osteopaths

Gentle Paediatric Osteopathy Techniques

Osteopaths use gentle techniques such as cranial osteopathy when treating young children and babies. Gentle treatment could help sooth and relax your baby. Contact us to discuss whether osteopathy might be suitable for your child.
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